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EmerSim® Presentation (1 min)

EmerSim Presentation

EmerSim Presentation

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EmerSim® Points and Demonstration (2 min)

EmerSim Points

EmerSim Points

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EmerSim® Scenario Guide (3 min)

EmerSim Scenario Guide

EmerSim Scenario Guide

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    using EmerSim 

  Instruction&Operation can be

        conducted by one personnel 


EmerSim® is an award-winning vital signs monitor simulator, developed with the input of doctors and medical professionals with the purpose of improving emergency care training.
A "Controller" device enables the instructor to manipulate the vital signs display, replicating the various scenarios and challenges presented in real-life situations.

Multiple sound effect options for realistic training enhancement are also included.
​Trainees will be prepared for real-world experience and have a better understanding of emergency care.

EmerSim® is achieved 2 awards.

1. SME Excellence new technology & product award 2018

2. MEBUKI Business award 2018

Convenient for remote training!
Keep on training under COVID-19!

EmerSim® is simple, yet effective cloud application, enabling you to perform training with vital sign monitor anywhere.


You don't need any special device, just Internet connection and use your own devices as a "Monitor" and a "Controller".

Tablet, Laptop, and Desktop-PC can be used as a "Monitor" or a "Controller".

Smart phone can be used as a "Monitor".

TV, LCD monitor, and projector can be used as a "Monitor" by connecting it to your PC with HDMI cable.

Add and edit scenarios freely!

Create various scenarios and scenes with preset vital sign values.

Proceed training with ease by selecting a scene and applying preset vitals with a single click!


EmerSim® Waveform Varieties


  • Normal -NSR

  • 1° block

  • 2° block (Mobiz I)

  • 2° block (Mobiz II)

  • Asystole

  • Atrial fibrillation

  • Atrial flutter

  • Junctional

  • LBBB

  • RBBB

  • ST elevation

  • SVT

  • Torsades de pointes

  • VF

  • VT


Arterial oxygen saturation

  • Normal

  • Poor perfusion

Client Environment


You can use Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge etc.

(You cannot use with Internet Explorer)
(You cannot use with old version (ex. iOS: Default browser works more than Ver.9))

Register NOW

Recommended for remote training!


One Day Training Ticket

$58 ( €50* )

* € for EURO area only.

* One day is 24 hours, the training date and time can be set by the user.

* For training with multiple stations, multiple tickets are required.

   (for example: for 3 simultaneous trainings, 3 tickets are required.)

When using EmerSim® for the first time,

please refer to Quick Start Guide.

Register account now!


EmerSim® released in 9th November 2021!

If you are interested in, would like to know more, and/or want to use EmerSim®, Please feel free to contact us.

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